Posts Tagged ‘ social movements ’

openMovements: What is it?

Nov 23rd, 2016 | By

The openMovements platform is aimed at the general public by providing critical and empirically based articles on social movements and new expressions of social and cultural transformations. It covers not only events and phenomena that that strike mainstream media headlines but also those that discreetly transform daily life and/or politics at the local and global scales.
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New Initiative Against Repression of Academics

Nov 22nd, 2016 | By and

During the ISA Forum in Vienna, members of RC 47 decided to take on a more active role against different forms of repression posed on academics. This decision is a timely response to recent repressive developments within authoritarian regimes of the global South as well as the so called democracies of the global North. Today,
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Bilbao Conference – 9-10 February 2012

Jan 11th, 2012 | By

From Social to Political. New Forms of Mobilization and Democratization International Conference 9-10 February 2012 Bizkaia Aretoa UPV-EHU, Bilbao You can find below a link to the conference website. In order to fill out the registration form you will need to use the following code: Bilbao. Mind that every participant (whether main author, co-author or
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New Cultural Frontiers – Third Issue Call for papers

Oct 24th, 2011 | By

Call for paper – Third Issue Submission paper deadline: 31st January 2012 Please send your proposal to issue editors: Daniele di Nunzio – Emanuele Toscano – Challenges for Democracy and Universal Rights in the Global Market Era In the past decades, deep economic and social transformations had a major impact on work,
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How to study transnational social movements

Sep 27th, 2011 | By

How to study transnational social movements A networking workshop for social movement researchers 28‐29 September 2011 Campus Haga, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD) and CSM (download the program in .pdf) Wednesday, 28 September 2011 Room “Husaren” (Campus Haga) and “House of Win‐Win” (Tredje Långgatan 13B) 12:00 Registration 13:00 Welcome
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New Directions for Social Movement Studies?

Sep 19th, 2011 | By

“NEW DIRECTIONS FOR SOCIAL MOVEMENT STUDIES?” NUI Maynooth, Aberdeen – Scotland 26th November 2011 deadline 1st October 2011 conference themes and details at or from Centre for Politics, Power and Society, Dept. of Sociology, NUIM & “Critical Political Thought, Activism and Alternative Futures” research cluster   THEMES We invite papers addressing one or
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From social to politics. New forms of mobilization and democratization (University of Bilbao)

Jul 26th, 2011 | By and

ISA RC47 – Social Classes and Social Movements ISA RC48 – Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change FROM SOCIAL TO POLITICS. NEW FORMS OF MOBILIZATION AND DEMOCRATIZATION University of Bilbao – Spain 9th – 10th February 2012 Please send your call for papers (deadline 30th November 2011) proposal to Conference Organisers: Antimo Luigi Farro
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