ISA-RC 47: New Perspectives for 2014-2018

Dec 16th, 2014 | By and

This intellectual project was presented by the new board at the RC 47 General Assembly at the World Congress of Sociology in July 2014. The second part of the document (Publications & meetings) was updated in November 2014. Table of Contents: I.   Insightful approaches to social movements II.  A democratic, accountable, more decentralized and convivial
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A new board and a new vision

Oct 17th, 2014 | By

Discover the new elected board and the new collaborators of RC47 for the upcoming years: Click here   Discover the new vision for a more democratic, accountable, decentralized and convivial RC47: Click here  

XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology

Jan 23rd, 2013 | By

Call for Sessions   In the framework of the next XVIII ISA World Congress the focus of RC47 will be on themes of democracy, injustice, equality and the growing role of an actor’s affirmation against systemic forms of oppression. RC47 asks its members to develop sessions on these themes and their linkages with contemporary conflicts
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