RC47 Newsletter July 2018 (includes Toronto program)

Jul 11th, 2018 | By and

Dear friends and colleagues, The XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology will start in a few days. The research committee 47 “Social classes and social movements” proposes a very timely program in a world increasingly shaped my reactionary movements and authoritarian regimes but where progressive movements remain also very lively and creative. With 31 panels
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Call for abstracts: XIX ISA World Congress

Aug 16th, 2017 | By and

The XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (Toronto, July 15-21, 2018) will focus on how scholars, public intellectuals, policy makers, journalists and activists from diverse fields can and do contribute to our understanding of power, violence and justice. In this context, the Research Committee on Social Classes and Social Movements (RC47) participates with 21 panels
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Call for Session Proposals for ISA World Congress 2018

Mar 9th, 2017 | By and

Dear members of ISA47, The deadline for panel proposals at the next world congress of sociology is nearing. Please register your session proposals directly on the ISA website before March 15th (!!). https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2018/rc/cfs.cgi  (Then choose RC47). Proposals should be thematic open call for abstracts (and not closed sessions with invited scholars). These panel proposals will
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