Posts Tagged ‘ freedom of research ’

New Initiative Against Repression of Academics

Nov 22nd, 2016 | By and

During the ISA Forum in Vienna, members of RC 47 decided to take on a more active role against different forms of repression posed on academics. This decision is a timely response to recent repressive developments within authoritarian regimes of the global South as well as the so called democracies of the global North. Today,
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Social movement scholar Giulio Regeni murdered in Cairo

Mar 17th, 2016 | By

Italian and Turkish translations below.   Social movement scholar Giulio Regeni murdered in Cairo Geoffrey Pleyers, President of ISA47 “Social movements” 08.02.2016 (here you can download the pdf version) It is very sad news to learn the forced disappearance, torture and murder of our young colleague Giulio Regeni. He was conducting a doctoral research on
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