Posts Tagged ‘ India ’

Freedom of expression under threat on Indian University campuses

Mar 1st, 2017 | By and

The recent violence at Delhi University’s Ramjas College is another example of growing threat to freedom of expression on Indian University Campuses since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014. The violence erupted after the nationalist group ABVP disrupted a seminar titled, ‘Cultures of Protest’.  This incident, once again highlights the
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ISA47 Special Session on Repression

Jul 8th, 2016 | By

ISA47 Special session on  Repression and violence against social movement scholars and sociologists Saturday July the 9th, 18h-20h Location: NS II, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7, University of ViennaChair/Introduction: Geoffrey Pleyers, ISA47, University of Louvain The situation in Egypt (tbc) The situation in Turkey, by Buket Turkmen (University of Galatasaray) The situation in India, by Shruti Tambe (University of Pune) The
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Contested cities: voices of the margins – University of Pune

Dec 19th, 2011 | By

Department of Sociology, University of Pune, Pune, Inida Centre for Advanced Studies National seminar on Contested cities: voices of the margins 17-18th January 2012 Contemporary urban in India is ever changing. Rapid rate of urbanization, expansion of small and big cities, growing service industry attracting scores of migrants to cities, the government’s focus on the
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