ISA47 Special Session on Repression
8th Jul 2016 | By Geoffrey Pleyers | Category: 2016 (Vienna), Anti-Repression Initiative, Conferences, ISA ForumsRepression and violence against social movement scholars and sociologists
Saturday July the 9th, 18h-20h
Location: NS II, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7, University of ViennaChair/Introduction: Geoffrey Pleyers, ISA47, University of Louvain
The situation in Egypt (tbc)
The situation in Turkey, by Buket Turkmen (University of Galatasaray)
The situation in India, by Shruti Tambe (University of Pune)
The situation in Mexico, by Sergio Tamayo (UAM Mexico)
A global perspective and the role of the ISA, by Margaret Abraham (President of the ISA) & Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, ISA Human Rights Committee)