Solidarities beyond Borders. Transnationalizing Women’s Movements

Jun 9th, 2011 | By

Solidarities beyond Borders. Transnationalizing Women’s Movements Pascale Dufour, Dominique Masson, and Dominique Caouette (eds.) ISBN 9780774817967 Paperback $34.95 UBC Press 2010 Scholars of social movements tend to overlook the achievements and political significance of women’s movements. Through theoretical discussions and empirical examples, Solidarities beyond Borders demonstrates the creativity and dynamism of transnational women’s movements around
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Job opportunities in University of Mannheim

Jun 8th, 2011 | By

The School of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim invites applications for a position of Full Professor in Statistics and Social Research Methods (W3, Chair) Here you can download all information Deadline: 31 July 2011

AFS – RT21 Programme “Mouvements sociaux et innovation”

Jun 3rd, 2011 | By

Association Française de Sociologie IV Congrès. Grenoble, 5-8 juillet 2011 (download the program) RT21 « Mouvements sociaux » Mouvements sociaux et innovations. Nouvelles technologies comme enjeu, nouvelles technologies comme répertoire   Session 1 : Nouvelles technologies et mouvements sociaux: information, citoyenneté et subjectivité Responsable : Geoffrey Pleyers (FNRS-UC Louvain et CADIS-EHESS), Mardi 05/07 14h30-16h30 Fabien Granjon – sociologue HDR, Sociology
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Alter-globalization. Becoming actors in the Global Age

Jun 3rd, 2011 | By

ALTER-GLOBALIZATION Becoming Actors in the Global Age Geoffrey Pleyers Foreword by Alain Touraine Reformulating the possibilities for action in this global world constitutes a major issue in contemporaneous social sciences and a central challenge of the alter-globalization/global justice movement. This book proposes to discuss it starting from concrete experimentations by social actors who have contested
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ISA Grants for Buenos Aires

Jun 1st, 2011 | By

Second ISA Forum of Sociology 2012 – Rules for Grant Allocation Rules a.    Each Research Committee, Working and Thematic Group is responsible for allocating grant(s) to person(s) selected by its Board, following the criteria established by the ISA. b.    Applications for financial support should be sent by the participants directly to the RC/WG/TG Programme Coordinators
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