ISA RC47 Forum Program

8th Jul 2016 | By , and | Category: 2016 (Vienna), Conferences, ISA Forums

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Social Movements in the 2010s

ISA47/48 Preconference. Vienna, July 9th 2016


Location: Konferenzraum, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7, Wien

(2 blocks behind University´s main buliding)


Anna Szolucha’s photo exhibition  “Through our eyes”  will be exposed in the conference room.


9:00-9:20am: Welcome words, Priska Daphi & Geoffrey Pleyers (RC47) & Tova Benski (RC48)


9:20-11:00am: Plenary panel: Social movements, refugees and borders

Chair: Priska Daphi, University of Frankfurt, RC47

Ulrich Brand (University of Vienna)

Donatella della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore Florence)

Jeff Goodwin (New York University)


11:15-12.45: Plenary panel: Social movements and change.

Chair: Geoffrey Pleyers, University of Louvain, RC 47.

Markus Schulz (New School for Social Research, ISA)

Chris Rootes (University of Kent)

Colin Barker (University of Manchester)

James Jasper (City University New York)


12:45-2:30pm: Socializing session and lunch in thematic groups

  • Refugees and movements
  • Digital technology, media and social movements
  • Continuities and outcomes of movements
  • Environmentalist movements
  • Movements for democracy
  • Right wing and conservative movements
  • Women and feminist movements
  • Unions and movements around (precarious) work
  • Social movements and repression


2:45-4:30pm: Plenary panel 3: Cultural Perspectives on Social Movements

Chair: Tova Benski, College of Management Studies, Israel, RC48

Breno Bringel (State University of Rio de Janeiro)

Priska Daphi (University of Frankfurt)

Paolo Gerbaudo (King’s College London)

Eiji Hamanishi (Notre Dame Seishin University)

Geoffrey Pleyers (Université de Louvain & Collège d’Etudes Mondiales)

Benjamin Tejerina (University of the Basque Country)


4:45-5:15 pm: ISA47&RC48: program in Vienna, forthcoming activities and publications


5:15-6pm: Second socializing session (thematic groups as above)


6-8pm: Special session:                  Location: NS II, Neues Institutsgebäude, Universitätsstraße 7

Sociologists under threats. Repression and violence against social movement scholars

Buket Turkmen (University of Galatasaray, Turkey) on the situation in Turkey

Shruti Tambe (University of Pune, India) on the situation in India

Margaret Abraham (Hofstra University, ISA President)

Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, ISA Human Rights Committee)

Pre-conference organizers: Priska Daphi, Geoffrey Pleyers, Tova Benski

ISA47 Program at the 3d ISA Forum, Vienna

July 10 – 15 2016


Some program highlights: Sunday 10, 9am: Opening session. With S. Sassen, D. Della Porta & S. Randeria.Monday 11,  4pm : Social movements and the future they want.                                           with K. McDonald, J. Goodwin, A. Paiva, S. Tamayo & G. Olivier

Tuesday 12, 9am : Session with and around Alain Touraine.

with A. Touraine, K. McDonald, T. Benski & other leading scholars

Wednesday 13, 4pm  RC47 General assembly


 Sunday, 10 July 2016 
09:00-10:30  Joint Opening Session RC47 & RC 48: Social movements in the mid-2010sSession Organizers:  B. TEJERINA, B. BRINGEL, T. BENSKI & G. PLEYERSLocation: Hörsaal 41 (Main Building)Social movements and social theory

Saskia SASSEN, Columbia University, New York


Like House of Cards”: Social Movements, Time Intensity and Eventful Democracy

Donatella DELLA PORTA, Scuola normale superiore, Firenze


Caught between cunning States and international Organisations: Social Movements as Norm Setters

Shalini RANDERIA, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna


10:45-12:15  Social Movements As Sites of Social Development
Chairs: Colin BARKER & John KRINSKYLocation: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
Social Movement Schools: Movement Resource in Performative Challenges for ChangeLarry ISAAC1, Anna JACOBS1, Jaime KUCINSKAS2 and Allison MCGRATH1,(1)Vanderbilt University, USA, (2)Hamilton College, USA 

Linking Types of Protest Tactics and Structural Conflicts: Some Key Points from the Study of the Social Form of the Protest in the Basque Country

Arkaitz LETAMENDIA, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Niue


New Molecular Intellectuals and the Making Sense of Action in Social Movements

Francesco ANTONELLI, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Italy


Strategy, Performance, and Gender: An Interactionist Understanding of  the Italian Lgbtq Movement and the Catholic Countermovement
Anna LAVIZZARI, University of Kent, United Kingdom



12:30-14:00  Social Movements, Sociology and Climate Change
Session Organizers/ Chairs: Jackie SMITH and Esin ILERILocation: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
Confronting Climate Change: Environmental Movements, NGOs and Others in England.Christopher ROOTES, School of Social Policy, Sociology & Social Research, University of Kent, CANTERBURY, United KingdomHow Environmental Movements Shape the Global

Geoffrey PLEYERS, FNRS-University of Louvain & College d’Etudes Mondiales, Belgium


Broadening Local Mobilizations: Exploring the Possibilities of Linking “Northern Forest Defense” in Turkey to Climate Change

Baran Alp UNCU, Marmara University, Turkey


What Is Political Ecology ? a Conceptuel Approach

Fabrice FLIPO, Telecom-EM, France


Distributed papers:

Transnationalizing Dynamics of Social Movements : Using the Integral Approach of Social Movement Theories
Yosuke TATSUNO, Sophia University, Japan


Demanding Policy Change, Taking Direct Action, or Promoting Alternatives: Explaining Differential Participation in the International Climate Change Movement

Joost DE MOOR, University of Antwerp, Belgium


14:15-15:45  Social Movements in Latin America: Contributing to a North-South DialogueSession Organizers: Renata MOTTA and Pablo LAPEGNA
Chair: Pablo LAPEGNALocation: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building) La Sociología De Alain Touraine y El Movimiento De Pobladores Chileno

Alexis CORTES MORALES, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile


Movimientos Societales Indígenas y Resistencias Comunitarias En América Del Sur:, Una Mirada Desde Una ‘Epistemología Del Sur’, Pabel LOPEZ FLORES, CIDES-UMSA, Bolivia


Social Actors and Latin American Social Thought: Contributions for Decentring Social Movement Studies

Breno BRINGEL, Institute of Social and Political Studies, Universidade Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


La Investigación Acción Participativa y La Construcción De Una Sociología Global, Miguel Antonio BORJA ALARCON, Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica-ESAP, Colombia

For an Analysis of the Global Reality

Antimo Luigi FARRO, Sapienza University Of Rome, Italy


The State and the Agrarian Public Sphere in Venezuela

Simeon NEWMAN, Sociology, University of Michigan, USA and Laura ENRIQUEZ, Sociology, University of California-Berkeley, USA



 Monday, 11 July 2016 
09:00-10:30  Roundatable session I: Social Movements in the Global Age. Session Organizer: Priska DAPHILocation: Seminarsaal 10 (Juridicum) Roundtable 1 Movements in Latin America

Chair: Sergio TAMAYO, UAM, Mexico


“This Is My Dream, That’s Why I Fight”. Love, Law and Solidarity: Stories of a Brazilian Young Activist Pro-MST

Fernando NOBRE CAVALCANTE and Dilson ALEXANDRE, Faculdade 7 de Setembro, Brazil


Understanding Protest Outcomes: Indigenous Movements, Demand Making and the State in Latin America

Anna KRAUSOVA, University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Derechos Humanos Como Mito Movilizador: Mujeres y Poblaciones Originarias En Perú,

Narda HENRIQUEZ, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru


Individual Determinants That Trigger Protest Participation: The Case of Mexico City

Roberto CARRILLO SAENZ, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium


Roundtable 2 Environmental movements

Chair: Dorismilda FLORES, ITESO, Mexico


Urban Community Gardens in Hungary: Part of a Social and Environmental Movement?

Fanni BARSONY, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary


Engaging Climate Change in Transnational Spheres: Cosmopolitan Concerns, Local Mobilization and Environmental Civil Society in Turkey
Hande PAKER, Istanbul Policy Center, Sabanca University, Turkey


Digital Activism, Physical Activism: Malta’s Front Harsien Odz

Michael BRIGUGLIO, University of Malta, Malta


Media Strategies of Movement Actors in Times of Increasing Mass Media (Self)-Control: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement Since the 2011 Fukushima Disaster, Anna WIEMANN, University of Hamburg, Germany


Roundtable 3 Precarious Work

Chair: Sabrina ZAJAK, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


Precarious Workers’ Collective Actions in Italy: Between Silos and Synergies in the Fragmentation of the Working and Social Life

Daniele DI NUNZIO, Fondazione Di Vittorio, Italy


The Fragmentation of Social Conflicts in Western Europe. a Typology of Non-Institutionalized Labor Protests

Steffen LIEBIG, Friedrich Schiller-University Jena, Institute of Sociology,


Germany and Stefan SCHMALZ, Friedrich Schiller-University, Germany

Precarious Work and “Middle Class” Struggles

Elisio ESTANQUE, University of Coimbra, Portugal


Roundtable 4 What’s left of 2011

Chair: Lorenzo ZAMPONI


The Transformative Impact of the Gezi Protests on New Social Movements in Turkey

Baran Alp UNCU, Marmara University, Turkey


Was It a Hopeless Battle? Consequences of the Gezi Park Protests in Turkey

Hayriye OZEN, Atilim University, Turkey


From the Indignados Movement to “Barcelona En Comú”: Continuities, Identities and Challenges

Viviana ASARA, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria and Anna SUBIRATS, European University Institute, Italy


The 15M (indignados) Take Power: The Case of the City of Madrid.

Antonio ALVAREZ-BENAVIDES, Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologique (CADIS-EHESS), France


10:45-12:15  Roundtable session 2: Social Movements in the Global Age. Part II
Session Organizer:
Paolo GERBAUDOLocation: Seminarsaal 10 (Juridicum)Roundtable 1 Social MediaChair:  Emiliano TRERE, Universidad de Queretaro, Mexico


Mafia Apps: Assembling Alternative Geographies of Protest

Christina JERNE, Aarhus University, Denmark


Beyond Network Structuralism: Weaving Webs of Publis in ART-Activism.

Alberto COSSU, University of Milan, Italy and Maria Francesca MURRU, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milano, Italy


When Police Hijacked #Blockupy Frankfurt: A Critical Analysis of Activists’ Social Media Tactics

Christina NEUMAYER, Luca ROSSI and Bjorn KARLSSON, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Activation Trajectories: Tracing the Role of Social Media in Civic Mobilizations in Bulgaria and Canada

Maria BAKARDJIEVA, University of Calgary, Canada and Delia DUMITRICA, Erasmus University, Netherlands


The Role of Independent and Alternative Media As Base of a Social Movement and International Solidarity: The Ayotzinapa Affair in Mexico and Europe.

Rosa Esther ROSANO RODRIGUEZ, CIMEOS – Universite de Bourgogne, France


Roundtable 2 Youth activism and the Future they Want

Chair: Yavuz YILDIRIM

Not the Future, Not the Past Only the Present… the Case Study of Young Activists in Turkey

Demet LUKUSLU, Yeditepe University, Turkey


“We Still Have Walls Where to Paint”. From Two Young Actors’ Initiative to a Global Graffiti Movement. Case Study of “Zwewla” (“Miserables”)

Sofia LAINE, Finnish Youth Research Network, Finland


Capuling during and after Gezi – the Formation of a New Identity of a Young Liberalized Generation in Turkey,

Claudia SCHUETZ, University of Innsbruck, Austria

14:15-15:45  What’s Left of 2011? Continuities and Outcomes of the 2011 Protests
Session Organizers:
Lorenzo ZAMPONI and Priska DAPHI
Chair: Priska DAPHI Treatment for Democracy? the Case of Social Clinics in GreeceHaris MALAMIDIS, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy 

The Indignant Citizen: From the Politics of Autonomy to the Politics of Radical Citizenship

Paolo GERBAUDO, Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom


From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Sandy: Socio-Technical Infrastructures As Social Movement Outcomes

Anastasia KAVADA, University of Westminster, United Kingdom


The Lasting Influences of Social Mobilization. the Effects of the 2011/ 2012 Romanian Anti-Austerity Protests on Subsequent Movements.

Henry RAMMELT, Sciences Po Paris/ Sciences Po Lyon (Triangle), France



14:15-15:45 Roundtable session 3: Social movements & the Future they wantNew Directions on Social Movements & Futures Research (Joint RC7/47)Session organizer: Geoffrey PLEYERSHörsaal 48 (Main Building) 

Table A: Social movements producing the Future



What Kind of Future Do We Want? Power Dynamics and Negotiation Processes in Transnational Social Movements,

Marika GEREKE, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany


Against the Airport and Its World”. Autonomies at the Zad Notre-Dame-Des-Landes,

Margot VERDIER, Universite Nanterre Paris-Ouest, France


The Image of Ideal Future for Ukraine Introducing By Euromaidan Movement Participants in Kyiv Public Space – What Visual Documents Analysis Can Tell Us?. Mariia GRYSHCHENKO, Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv, Ukraine


An Anarchist Squat in Northeastern Paris : A Future Here and Now ?

Colin ROBINEAU, Université Paris 2-Assas, France


Table B: Digital activism

Imagination/Action: Making Sense of Future in Online Public Expression By Local Activist Groups

Dorismilda FLORES, ITESO Guadalajara, Mexico

Everyday Activism in Different Socio-Political Context: Cases of Estonia and Finland,

Airi-Alina ALLASTE, Tallinn University, Estonia & Kari SAARI, University of Kuopio, Finland


From Disaster to Opportunity: Social Movement Organizations As Hope Agents.

Anna WIEMANN, University of Hamburg, Germany


Activism As a Means of Empowerment and Change. Experiences of the Changing Nature of Civic Organising,

Michael HAMMER, INTRAC, United Kingdom


Table C: Prefigurative activism & environmental challenges

Chair: Nathalie BERNY, Université de Bordeaux, France.


Rethinking the Common of the People through Social Movements: Turkish Cases.

Yavuz YILDIRIM, Nigde University, Turkey




Grassroots Mobilisations and the Democracy They Want: Renewable Energy and Anti-Fracking.

Anna SZOLUCHA, University of Bergen, Norway


Social Technologies for Trust, Transparency and Conflict Resolution and the Imagining of Peaceful Futures: The Engagement of Tamera Ecovillage with Peace Activism in Israel/Palestine.

Ana Margarida ESTEVES, ISCTE – IUL, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal


Novelty, Strategy and Timing in Social Movements Research: Prefiguring the Futures We Want? .

Luke YATES, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Economic Practices and Role Models of the Transition Movement: From Market Societies Towards New Modes of Provisioning?

Silke OETSCH, Department of Sociology, Austria


Table D: Right Wing Movements.

Chair: Emanuele TOSCANO, University of Rome

Mass Mobilizations, Contestations and the Contingent Future in a Plural Polity.

Rajesh MISRA, University of Lucknow, India


The Discursive Trajectory of Street Demonstrations in Brazil (2013-2015).

Celi Regina PINTO, UFRGS, Brazil


Present Futures: Utopia, Prefiguration and Their Meaning in the Refugee Struggle. Leslie GAUDITZ, University of Bremen, Germany


Towards an Illiberal Future. Polish War on Gender in a Transnational Perspective,

Elżbieta KOROLCZUK, Södertörn University, Sweden


Table E: Young activists and the future they want

Chair: Sofia LAINE, University of Helsinki


Politics Is Our Daily Bread: New Youth Political Subjectivity in Latin America .

Darcie VANDEGRIFT, Drake University, USA


Politics and the Conduct of Life – a Weberian Perspective on Young Antiracist Activists in Germany.

Linus WESTHEUSER, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany


Post-Crisis Utopias? – Future Orientation and Sociological Imagination.

Danny OTTO, University of Rostock, Germany




16:00-17:30 Social Movements and the Future They Want (Joint session RC07/47)Session Organizer: Markus Schulz & Geoffrey Pleyers
Chair: Ionel SAVA, University of BucharestLocation: Hörsaal 50 (Main Building)Session on Terrorism: Against Radicalization

Jeffrey GOODWIN, New York University, USA


#Radicalisation: Social Media and the Mutation of Humanitarianism

Kevin MCDONALD, Department of Criminology and Sociology, Middlesex Univesity, London, United Kingdom


Mobilizations and Social Movements in the Contentious Brazilian Public Sphere

Angela PAIVA, PUC-Rio, Brazil


Citizenship Projects for a Better Future: The Struggle for Education in Mexico

Guadalupe OLIVIER, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico & Sergio TAMAYO, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico


16:00-17:30  Moving Refugees? Mobilisation and Outcomes of Refugee Movements, Solidarity Groups, and Anti-Asylum Activities
Session Organizers: Ilker ATAC and Sieglinde ROSENBERGERLocation: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building) Volunteering for Refugees – Sources for Transnational SolidaritySerhat KARAKAYALI, Berlin Institute for Migration Research, Humboldt University, Germany


Anti-Deportation Protest in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

Nina MERHAUT, Universität Wien, Austria and Didier RUEDIN, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Same Same but Different? Challenging Dublin-Deportations in Austria and Germany

Helen SCHWENKEN, University of Osnabruck, Germany, Maren KIRCHHOFF, University of Osnabrückck, Germany and Verena STERN, University of Vienna, Austria


Saving Deportees: Dynamics of Mobilizations Against Deportation in Switzerland

Johanna PROBST, SFM Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland and Dina BADER, SFM – Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


Mobilizing within Networks of Solidarity: Resource Mobilization and Embeddedness of Refugee Activists in Local Solidarity Networks in Berlin, Germany

Elias STEINHILPER, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy




 Tuesday, 12 July 2016
09:00-10:30  SPECIAL SESSION WITH AND AROUND ALAIN TOURAINEThe Sociology of Social Movements As a General Sociology. (Joint RC47/48 event)
Session Organizer: Kevin MCDONALD
Chair: Benjamin TEJERINALocation: Hörsaal 10 (Juridicum)From social movements to subjectivation

Alain TOURAINE, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales


Alain Touraine’s Sociology of the Subject

Kevin MCDONALD, Department of Criminology and Sociology, Middlesex Univesity, London, United Kingdom


Between Subjectivation and Dignity. Homage to Alain Touraine

Tova BENSKI, Social Sciences, College of Management Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel


Comments and short interventions by Markus Schulz (New School NY) & Eiji Hamanishi (Notre Dame Seishin University, Japan),  Alexis Cortes (UAH, Chile) & Buket Turkmen (Galatasaray University)

10:45-12:15  Environmental Movements in the Age of Climate Change
Session Organizer & Chair: Christopher ROOTESLocation: Elise Richter Saal (Main Building)
Big Ask: An Exercise in Effective Policy EntrepreneurshipNeil CARTER, University of York, United Kingdom and Mike CHILDS, Friends of the Earth, United Kingdom Times of Change, Times for Change: The Environmental NGOs in the ‘brussels Bubble’

Nathalie BERNY, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France


It’s All Local? Climate Change Adaptation Policies, Climate Action Groups and U.S. Local Governments

Cecelia WALSH-RUSSO, Hardwick College, USA and Mary WALSH, St. John Fisher College, USA


Learning from Failure: Local Climate Activism from Success to Stasis

Marc HUDSON, Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Demanding Policy Change, Taking Direct Action, or Promoting Alternatives: Explaining Differences and Overlaps in Strategic Preferences within the Climate Change Movement

Joost DE MOOR, University of Antwerp, Belgium




14:15-15:45  Democracy in the Squares: Global Resistence Movements and Women
(Joint session RC47/48)
Session Organizers/ Chairs: Nilufer GOLE and Buket TURKMEN
Location: Hörsaal 10 (Juridicum)The Colour of the Resistance; Is It Red, Purple or Green? the Grassroots of the Eco-Feminism in Gezi ResistanceHande COSKAN, Crossways Cultural Narratives Master Student, Turkey 

Feminist Struggles over Social Reproduction: In the Squares and Beyond

Janet CONWAY and Elise THORBURN, Brock University, Canada


The “Standing Man” As a Performative Creation of Immediate Collectivities and Counter-Public Spaces

Ozge DERMAN, EHESS Paris (CRAL), Turkey

16:00-17:30  From Indymedia to #Occupywallstreet and Anti-Austerity Protests in Europe: Three Generations of Digital Activism Logics
Session Organizers: Tod WOLFSON, Emiliano TRERE, Peter FUNKE and Paolo GERBAUDOLocation: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building)Social Movements, Digital Activism and Patterns of Global ContestationBreno BRINGEL and Livia ALCANTARA, Universidade Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazil


The Rhizomatic Epoch of Contention: From the Zapatistas to the European Anti-Austerity Protests

Peter FUNKE, University of South Florida, USA and Tod WOLFSON, Todd Wolfson Rutgers University, USA


Anti-Austerity Social Movement Repertoires of Communication: A Diachronic Analysis of Protest Media Legacies in Southern Europe

Emiliano TRERE1,2, Sandra JEPPESEN2 and Alice MATTONI3, (1)Communication and Journalism, Autonomous University of Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico, (2)Lakehead University, Canada, (3)European University Institute, Italy


Digital Activism and Censorship in the Post-Gezi Era

Perrin OGUN EMRE, Kadir Has University, Turkey and Gulum SENER, Arel University, Turkey




 Wednesday, 13 July 2016 
09:00-10:30  Far Right Movements and Social Research
Session Organizers: Chikako MORI and Emanuele TOSCANO
Chair: Emanuele TOSCANOLocation: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building)Rapport, Respect, and Dissonance: Studying the White POWER Movement in the United States, Lisa WALDNER, University of St. Thomas, USA and Betty DOBRATZ, Iowa State University, USA 

Social Media-Based Far Right Movements in Thailand

Wolfram SCHAFFAR, University of Vienna, Austria


When All Roles Are Reversed: Studying Nationalist Youth in Gezi Resistance

Derya GOCER AKDER and Kubra OAYUZ, Middle East Technical University, Turkey


The Complex Political Context of Conservative Mobilization in Japan: Utilizing the Event Data from Periodicals

Yoojin KOO, The University of Tokyo, Japan


10:45-12:15  Popular Dissent in Sub-Saharan Africa
Session Organizer: Marcelle DAWSONLocation: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building)The Structure of Urban Struggles: Insights from South Africa and BritainMario DIANI, University of Trento, Italy, Henrik ERNSTSON, African Center for Cities, UCT, South Africa and Lorien JASNY, University of Exeter, United Kingdom


Mobilization – Organization – Instituionalization Students As Political Actors in Kenya

Anna DEUTSCHMANN, Universität Wien, Austria


The Network of Peasant and Agricultural Producers’ Organizations of West Africa (ROPPA) and the Global Food Sovereignty Movement

Nora MCKEON, Rome 3 University, Italy

14:15-15:45  Young Activists, Subjectivity and “the Future They Want” Joint session RC34/47Chair: Carmen LECCARDI, University of MilanoLocation: Hörsaal 10 (Juridicum) The Youth and the Perception of the Future. Between New Values, Transnational Orientations, and the Reinvention of Politics

Andrea PIRNI and Luca RAFFINI, University of Genoa, Italy


Civil Marriage, Not Civil War!” Anti-Sectarian Activism in Post-War Lebanon

Alexandra KASSIR, EHESS, France



Youth Mobilizing in the City of Jerusalem on a Cross Road: Changing and Teaching Ourselves

Abeer MUSLEH, Bethlehem University, Palestine


Young Middle-Class Activists in Lima, Peru: Hopes, Fears, and Civic Subjectivities.

Franka WINTER, Maynooth University, Ireland


Youth Support for an Authoritarian Future. Imagining a Pro-Putin Future in Contemporary Russia

Felix KRAWATZEK, University of Oxford (Nuffield College & Department of Politics), United Kingdom

16:00-18:00 RC47 Business Meeting Location: Hörsaal 12 (Juridicum)
19:00 RC47 Drink in honour of Alain TouraineCafé Gagarin, Garnisongasse 24, 1090 Wien (750 m from University) 
 Thursday, 14 July 2016 
09:00-10:30  Cultural Signification: Making Sense of Action in Social Movements
Session Organizer / Chair: Daishiro NOMIYA
Location: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building) Co-Creating Movement Symbols: The Umbrella Movement of Hong KongKin-man CHAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong KongFrom Democracy to Welfare State: The Evolution of a Cultural Theme in Korean Social Movements

Jin-Wook SHIN, Chung-Ang University, South Korea

Emancipative Movements, Emancipative Agency: Framing New Conceptualizations

Paola REBUGHINI, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy


The Subjectivation of Collective Movements

Antimo Luigi FARRO, Sapienza University Of Rome, Italy; Cadis (Ehess-Cnrs)-Paris, France


Acciones Colectivas De LOS Destechados Colombianos Desde La Subjetividad Y La Raz”N

Maria NARANJO BOTERO, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia




10:45-12:15  Social Movements in the Arab World
Session Organizer / Chair: Maha ABDELRAHMAN
Location: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building) Egyptian Civil Society and (Political) Education: Opportunities for Resilient Authoritarianism, or Prospects for a “Radical” Educational Movement?Nadim MIRSHAK, University of Manchester, United Kingdom 

ISIL As a Transnational Social Movement

Jeffrey GOODWIN, New York University, USA


Egyptian RURAL Protests Between the Urban Imaginary Construct and State Politics

Malak ROUCHDY, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

14:15-15:45  Genesis of the New Social Movements in the Global South
Session Organizers/ Chairs: Simin FADAEE and Breno BRINGEL
Location: Hörsaal 26 (Main Building) Contextualizing the Iranian Environmental MovementSimin FADAEE, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany 

Being in-Between – the Women’s Movements in Kenya

Antje DANIEL, University of Bayreuth, Germany


From Inequalities to Liberties: The Rise of New Social Movements in Contemporary Turkey

Esin ILERI, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, Turkey


Rights-Based or Anti-Systemic? Environmental Protest Movements in Turkey

Hayriye OZEN, Atilim University, Turkey and Sukru OZEN, Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey


Leftwing Politics, Social Movements and Marijuana Legalization in Uruguay: A Peripheral Democracy Challenges the Transnational Drug Policy Paradigm.

Sebastian AGUIAR, Universidad de la República, Uruguay and Gabriel CHOUHY, University of Pittsburgh, USA

16:00-17:30  Silos or Synergies? Can Labor Build Effective Alliances with Other Global Social Movements Joint session RC44/47Session Organizers: Peter EVANS and Daniele DI NUNZIO
Chair: Chris TILLYLocation: Hörsaal 50 (Main Building)‘European Trade Unions and Their Links with NGOs and New Social Movements: How to Explain Differences Between Countries?’

Rebecca GUMBRELL-MCCORMICK, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom


Union Activists in Collective Action Fields: A Comparative Exploration

Mario DIANI, University of Trento, Italy



When and Why Do Synergies Work? Comparing Synergistic Movements to Stop “Free Trade” to Synergies Between Transnational Labor and Feminist Movements

Peter EVANS, Watson Institute for International Studies, USA; Sociology, University of California-Berkeley, CA, USA


Parallel Government, Privatization, Soft Law, Jobber’s Contract, Union Power, and/or Ngo Leverage?: The Many Meanings of Progress after the Rana Plaza Disaster.

Robert J.S. ROSS, Clark University, USA


Increasing Power Resources By Cross-Border, Cross-Organizational Cooperation? Synergies and Trade-Offs of Transnational Alliance Between Trade Unions and Social Movements. the Case of Bangladesh

Sabrina ZAJAK and Saida RESSEL, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


The Position of Labor in Civil Activism: The Labor Movement and the Classness of the Bersih Movement in Malaysia

Nobuyuki YAMADA, Department of Sociology, Komazawa University, Tokyo, Japan


Distributed papers

Laboring Against Human Trafficking: INGOs, Unions, and Anti-Trafficking Responses

Stephanie LIMONCELLI, Loyola Marymount University, USA


Are Alliances Possible Between Workers and Consumers?

Patricia VENDRAMIN, University of Louvain-la-Neuve & Fondation Travail-Université, Belgium


Social Movement Unionism: from the IWW to Wisconsin and the World

Heather BLAKEY and Graeme CHESTERS, University of Bradford, United Kingdom




* The photovoice exhibition “Through our eyes” by Anna Szolucha will be exposed in the seminar room during the pre-conference and various ISA47 panels.

“Through our eyes” is a photovoice exhibition that shows what it means to live with the prospect of fracking. It captures residents’ individual perspectives in their own words and images. The exhibition comprises of 34 photographs taken by local residents who are concerned about the impacts of shale gas developments in Lancashire and the UK. The idea of the exhibition came from Anna Szolucha research project ( that explored the social impacts of shale gas development. One of the early findings of this study is that even before fracking starts, it has profound impacts on local communities.


ISA47 Program organizers: Priska Daphi, Paolo Gerbaudo, Geoffrey Pleyers

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  1. […] years ago, we received 69 proposals for our 14 slots initially allocated to our RC at the ISA Forum in Vienna. We will have slightly more slots this time, but we won’t be able to select all the proposals. […]

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