Help Desk Engineer Education Requirements: Degrees, Majors, Colleges

24th Aug 2021 | By | Category: Education

A technical support engineer provides technical support for users of an organization’s network systems and may work to maintain them through regular testing and monitoring. The goal of this role is to address technical issues reported by users and to resolve them. The process can involve a series of steps, from walking users through troubleshooting steps over the phone, in person, or via chat to generating support tickets to document the interaction. Depending on the company, technical support engineers may work with customers or employers. Technical support engineers provide information technology (IT) support to an organization’s customers and employees.

how to become a help desk engineer

Her areas of interest and expertise include DevOps, data science, and natural language processing. Currently, she’s working on learning and sharing her knowledge with the developer community by authoring tutorials, how-to guides, opinion pieces, and more. Also, being help desk engineer confident in both technical and non-technical skills will increase your ability to work well under pressure. To boost your skill level and confidence, take one or two soft skills courses per year, as well as any technical courses relevant to your job role.

Help desk engineer vs. Desk support technician

Master the Help desk position by working smarter and boost your career opportunities… The most common colleges for help desk engineers are the University of Phoenix and the University of Phoenix. And holy crap, as someone who had almost zero prior coding knowledge this was excruciatingly diffucilt. While CS50 is a fantastic resource, I was extremely fortunate to have had access to a Computer Science tutor to help me get through the first 3 weeks of material in addition to pinging my developer friends for help. I almost gave up at multiple points but over the course of 2020, I slowly pushed through all 11 weeks of content while working full-time in my old IT Helpdesk job. The Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate, on the other hand, is an eight-month course teaching skills such as Python, Git, and IT automation to support career growth.

  • For example, IBM offen IT Support Professional Certificate that you can use to gain vital IT skills and experience.
  • The Information Technology field is one of the most rewarding and challenging career fields in the world today.
  • They use their technical knowledge of hardware and software to help troubleshoot problems users encounter.
  • Tell the employer what you know about their company, what they do, and how they help people.
  • You have to have a complete understanding of every aspect of a company’s infrastructure (networking, storage, virtualization, OS, security) to architect or design a solution that suits their needs.

LaShana Lewis, a former help desk worker and software engineer at MasterCard®, says people new to the field have an excellent opportunity. Technical knowledge isn’t the only thing you’ll develop at the help desk. Working as a help desk technician can give you the opportunity to gain sought-after soft skills that are critical in the IT field, including communication, critical thinking and prioritization.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Talk about what elements of being a help desk analyst first intrigued your and why you have chosen to pursue this as your career. Talk about your work experience, education, qualifications and anything else that you think is important to the role. This provides important context and gives insight into your background. Many help desk analysts are Information Systems Professionals, this is a certified category in the province of Alberta and the rest of Canada by the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS). He researches and writes student-focused articles on a variety of topics for Rasmussen University.

You have to spend time to understand your data and focus on feature engineering to identify the most relevant and important features, process, and transform them as needed. To go beyond the top of the ladder would be to become a C-level executive, Director, Independent Consultant, Analyst or VP. Some people work for 30 years and don’t get to the metaphorical ‘top of the ladder’. I firmly believe you could be a Senior Systems Engineer up until you are ready to retire and be completely happy. You have to have a complete understanding of every aspect of a company’s infrastructure (networking, storage, virtualization, OS, security) to architect or design a solution that suits their needs.

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