Report from ISA 47 Regional Conference “Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe”
18th May 2015 | By RC47 | Category: 2015 Bucharest, Romania, Books, Conferences, News & Events, Other International ConferencesISA 47 Regional Conference “Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe”, Bucharest 11-12 May 2015
The University of Bucharest organized on May 11-12, 2015 the International Sociological Association regional conference “Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe” with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Romania. The Research Committee 47 (ISA 47) intended to evaluate the current status of research on collective action in the former communist countries to asses the capacities of research centers to generate valid knowledge in an highly competitive European and global environment and to encourage young scholars to make research on the new forms of social participation in Central and Eastern Europe.
As stated by the ISA 47 President, professor Geoffrey Pleyers, the social movements are important triggers for consolidating democracy and market economy in the region. As such, new forms of social participation shall be developed in the next period of time.
There were registered 96 scholars that represented some 25 countries. Additionally, some other 40 Romanian researchers and students took part in or assisted to specific panels or plenaries. 21 panels, 4 semi-plenaries, 2 plenaries and a concluding plenary were organized during the two days of workings. A group of well known scholars supervised these sessions. (Among them professors Jim M Jasper from the City University of New York, Kerstin Jacobsson from Gothenburg University, Sweden, A. Ishkanian from London School of Economics, Tova Benski, the ISA 48 President from Tel Aviv, Israel, Carine Clement from Russia. The keynote speakers were the well-known French sociologists Alain Touraine and Michel Wieviorka.)
An e-Book is published by the University of Bucharest Publishing House. Many thanks to volunteers Georgiana Popescu, Ana Popa, Cristian Chira, Sergiu Velesniuc and Adelina Nedelcu.