Social Movements, Public Spheres and the European Politics of the Environment. Green Power Europe?

May 26th, 2011 | By

Social Movements Public Spheres and the European Politics of the Environment Hein-Anton van der Heijden This book examines how the European environmental movement, as part of an emerging European civil society, has impinged on the problem definitions and solution strategies in the European politics of the environment. Examining core case studies in European environmental policy
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AFS – Association française de sociologie – Grenoble 5-8 July 2011

May 26th, 2011 | By

The “Association française de sociologie” (AFS – French Association of Sociology) will organise its IV Congress in Grenoble next 5-8 July 2011. Many RC47 researchers and scholars are involeved in organising panels and presenting papers. Here you can find all information

La consommation critique. Mouvements pour une alimentation responsable et solidaire

May 26th, 2011 | By

La consommation critique. Mouvements pour une alimentation responsable et solidaire Coordonné par Geoffrey Pleyers Postface de Jean-Louis Laville Desclée de Brouwer. 333 pages, 26 euros. Le consommateur est-il cet acteur tant attendu capable d’introduire des considérations éthiques dans un monde dominé par la dérégulation des marchés? Dans les AMAP, les Groupes d’Achats Solidaires, les restaurants
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II ISA FORUM 2012 – Call for Sections

May 26th, 2011 | By and

Call for sessions The Research Committee on Social Classes and Social Movements, RC47, plans to organize 14 sessions for the 2012 Forum. We suggest organising panels on subjective affirmation, social movements changes and construction of democracy. We welcome a diversity of session proposals that speak to these themes. We invite all members of ISA RC47
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